Mar 19, 2008

What is Taichi Light: Part 3

Movement Four: Parting the Cloud

The Transition: At the end of the last movement, crouch down (keeping your back straight) and cross your arms in front of your knees (right arm in front.)

The Movement: Begin to inhale. Stand up while drawing large circles with your arms, right arm clockwise and left arm counter-clockwise, until they reach the 12 o’clock position. Then begin to exhale and, while crouching down, complete the circles by moving your arms downward until they cross in front of your knees again. This is one movement cycle. Do this six times.

The Breathing: Inhale while arms going up; exhale while arms coming down.

The Imagery: Imagine you were floating in mid air feeling absolutely free but with giant chunks of cloud float in front of you. To gain a better view you must use your arms to disperse the cloud.

Movement Five: Playing with a Toy Train

The Transition: At the end of the last movement, instead of moving your arms downward, movement them to the chest level and in an outstretched position in front of you, palm facing up.

The Movement: Begin to inhale, slowly draw your right hand down your right side in a large counter-clockwise circle and follow your hand with your eyes until it reach the highest point over your head. Begin to exhale, use your right hand to imitate a car coming down a roller coaster track until it slowly slip to stop when your arm becomes outstretched in front. Flip your hand upwards as you stop. This is one movement cycle. Do six cycles alternating left and right.

The Breathing: Inhale when moving the hand up; exhale when coming down.

The Imagery: Imagine you are a little child playing with your new toy train by running it over an imaginary roller coaster.

Movement Six: Back Stroke Swim

The Transition: At the end of the last movement, with your arms outstretched in front, continue to exhale, flip your palms downward and lower both arms to your sides while crouching down (keep your torso straight always).

The Movement: Begin to inhale as you draw your arms back, drawing two large arcs on your sides, ending up with both arms fully extending upward. At the same time, straighten your knees and stand up. Then, begin to exhale and continue to draw the circles by moving your arms downward while crouching down. In effect, your arms would be drawing two large circles on either side of you. Do this six times.

The Imagery: Imagine you were doing the back stroke swim on dry land. Who needs a swimming pool anyway?

(To acquire a DVD video of the Taichi Light exercise, go to

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